My inlaws have three boys. The oldest is autistic and the two others are showing some symptoms. They have seen two specialists who agree that the mercury in their vaccinations is the culprit. As a result, my niece has elected to pass on vaccines until her kids are older.
This needs to be publicized loudly and often....
I am so sorry to hear about the boys.
I confess that I have been leery of vaccinations for a decade now.
You realize, of course, that this argues more for genetics than immunization as the cause. Most people have been immunized, and most are not autistic.
How close in age are the kids? If the oldest one has austism, then why did they vaccinate the other children?
Are you serious? there is actually mercury in vaccines??
I know that people who have amalgam fillings can have bad reactions. Of course dentists lose their license for telling their patients not to use mercury fillings.