I'm glad they are finally taking the fight to the enemy, but the timing could be better. It serves little benefit right now, but just before next years elections it could be a big boost.
The timing is perfect. There IS an election next week that is potenially far more important than 2006.
You really need to go on the offensive now. If the view is allowed to fester that the Democratic call for retreat is the only viable option then it may be too sunk in at election time to counter. Just like how Dems actually are believed by some to be strong on health care and domestic issues.
Building preliminary momentum so that next week's Iraqi election has something to build on.
This is about the war, not the midterm election.
It serves little benefit now? Speak for yourself.
"I'm glad they are finally taking the fight to the enemy..."
The ACLU, who apparently wants a one world government, should be next.