Posted on 12/07/2005 8:56:38 AM PST by Mia T
December 7, 2005
The context of our concern today--regardless of political affiliation--is Iraq and The War on Terror, but the larger fear is that our democracy may not survive. We have the requisite machines, power and know-how to defeat the enemy in Iraq and elsewhere, but do we have the will?
In particular, do we have the will to identify and defeat the enemy in our midst?
Answerable to no one, heir apparent in her own mind, self-serving in the extreme, Hillary Clinton incarnates this insidious new threat to our survival.
What we decide to do about Missus Clinton will tell us much about what awaits us in these perilous new times.
My proposal: Stop Missus Clinton in '06. Stop her in '06 and you will have stopped her in '08. A Senate en passant capture is THE MOVE....
To David Geffen and Tim Robbins: Why not field a challenger to Hillary Clinton in '06, someone who does possess the necessary positions, ethics and electability? And why not in the general election? A Perot plurality ploy would be poetic justice, if nothing else... and if carefully selected, that candidate wouldn't merely unseat Missus Clinton but could actually win.
To Jeanine Pirro: If, as Chris Matthews so trenchantly put it, "Pee Wee Herman would give her a race," why aren't you... a bright, talented, articulate, accomplished, charismatic, media-savvy independent woman who spent her 30-year career championing exactly the women Missus Clinton abused for 30 years... why aren't you in fact creaming Missus Clinton?
Stop running YOUR NEXT RACE, stop worrying about being slimed by the Clinton machine. Stop pulling your punches and start going after this corrupt, compromised, dangerous creature for real.
What we decide to do about Missus Clinton will tell us much about what awaits us in these perilous new times.
Mia T
Dear Concerned Americans,Hillary Clinton's revisionist tome notwithstanding, 'living history' begets a certain symmetry. It is in that light that I make this not-so-modest proposal on this day, exactly 64 years after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Each of you, (for different reasons, surely), has expressed concern about Missus Clinton's putative candidacy in 2008, and, by doing so, has expressed concern inferentially about Clinton-machine control of the nominating process.
Just as it was exactly 64 years ago today, this is a watershed moment for America. It is my hope that all concerned Americans will do what they can to defeat the enemy.
December 7, 1941+64
Pearl Harbor ping
shorter. ping ;)
no commentary/admiration bump :^)
I'll take it anyway. ;)
You misunderstood, I think. I'll hold back commentary while admiring your diligence.
wasn't sure, and didn't want to be presumptive. ;)
Now go read Rush's interview with Mike Pence. :^)
That WAS the beast READING right ? Absolutely no shame... first, a 'tell all' book, and then an audio version to add insult to injury; sheesh. Yes Mia T, (THEY are) truly S-C-U-M.
Pirro need's an ALPHA persona in the Coulter/Ingraham mold in order to launch AND sustain the kind of offense this election will take to unseat said beast.
...or a Zeta... ;)
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