If there were a conclusive study that *proved* without a doubt that gay men had female-working brains, I would completely flip my position on the subject. But I don't think that this will be the case.
There may be a very small percentage of men who do have this problem, as all humans begin "female" and chemical signals essentially transform the baby boy fetus into a male. But if it turns out that we have a large population of males with female brains, something is *very* wrong with our water supply.
My "guess" is that a true study would reveal that normal heterosexual men may have similar brain patterns as women without exhiting any symptoms of homosexuality. If it's a thought pattern, many men also have chromosome patterns that might be indicative of feminine traights (at that level.) Yet they are perfectly normal, healthy males. Perhaps with an inclination to pick up once and a while and ask for directions, but otherwise normal... ; )