If you don't care about the innocent, that's your choice. Buying and distributing anti-retroviral drugs doesn't do anything else except prevent the opportunistic infections that kill folks with AIDS.
Most AIDS in Africa is not AIDS. In the rest of the world the cause of AIDS is always the same, association with those who practice homosexual behavior and/or loose sexual practices.
Contiminated medical equipment, intravenous drug abuse, heterosexual promiscuity and heterosexual prostitution are fairly common reasons in the rest of the world for people who trust their spouses becoming infected.
Now if the rest of the world wants to die of AIDS that is their business, not mine. In the USA AIDS is more correctly called GRIDS. It's a gay disease.
Tell that to the women who contract HIV/AIDS, and the kids born with it. If you were a doctor, wouldn't it be fun to treat those women who trusted their spouses and kids born with it? That's what I'm talking about.
Now where did those women's partners get the disease? I'd guess that in 90% of cases, from 'gay' practices. and in the rest from IV drug use. So if these women didn't associate with those people they'd be healthy.
Secondly, how many of these women are married to their partners. I'd hazard a guess that the number of women infected by a cheating husband (who should be executed BTW) is totally insignificant in comaprison to the number of women who got it while sleeping around.
The bottom line remians the same. GRIDS is a gay disease and you get it from associating with "gays". Second bottom line: Immorality Kills