For a long time I bought the "they do work others will not do" line. Then my kids became teenagers looking for work.
There is not much to be found. Mexicans do it cheaper, for cash, no benefits. Why hire a teenaged kid?
Construction? Yeah, right. Unless they are willing to stand on the main streets in what I call our barrios, forget it. No teenaged American need apply.
Landscaping? Not
Stockboy at the grocery store? Not
They drive down the wages in larger businesses.
We educate illegals.
We provide free medical care.
If needed, we feed them.
Unless we order in numbers, 9 times out of 10 "I'll have an Egg McMuffin" can mean anything from A Sausage Biscuit to a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
And I am pissed to no end when faced with the reality that our government overlooks the fact that they are here because they broke the law. You know, I know, we all damned well know the government does not look the other way when applying the law to citizens.
Whatever happened to equal protection under the law?
Plus, it's done right.
I know what you mean. It's circular reasoning, to say the least, to use illegals to depress wages and then justify it by saying no American will do the work (for such depressed wages).
In a sense, I don't blame the illegals for taking advantage of us like this - we (the government) do (does) pretty much everything we can to invite them and make things comfortable for them. they'd be stupid if they did not take us for the chumps we are.
The Republicans are largely tone-deaf on this and they, and we, will end up paying the price.
Any teenage kid can find a job, the problem these days is getting that teenager away from the X-Box.
I agree illegal immigration is a problem, but I'd like to point out that your son's problem is not so much illegal immigration as oppressive government regulations placed on employers. I don't know a teenage kid who's not willing to work for cash with no benefits, just like the Mexicans. However, an employer has much less chance of getting caught when the family, friends, and acquaintances of person being paid has no interest in turning the employer in.
Not that you would turn your son's cash paying employer in, but maybe his teacher or one of his friend's parents would. That's just not going to happen with Manuel with illegal ditch digger.
Your tagline says it all.
"For a long time I bought the "they do work others will not do" line. Then my kids became teenagers looking for work.
There is not much to be found. Mexicans do it cheaper, for cash, no benefits. Why hire a teenaged kid?
Construction? Yeah, right. Unless they are willing to stand on the main streets in what I call our barrios, forget it. No teenaged American need apply.
Landscaping? Not
Stockboy at the grocery store? Not
They drive down the wages in larger businesses.
We educate illegals.
We provide free medical care.
If needed, we feed them.
Unless we order in numbers, 9 times out of 10 "I'll have an Egg McMuffin" can mean anything from A Sausage Biscuit to a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
And I am pissed to no end when faced with the reality that our government overlooks the fact that they are here because they broke the law. You know, I know, we all damned well know the government does not look the other way when applying the law to citizens.
Whatever happened to equal protection under the law?"
Now multiply that by tens of thousands of teenagers and yound adults who graduated from either State Tech High schools and other secondary trade schools and you begin to see what a pant-load GWB is selling us. A lot of these young adults have trained 4 years in there trade only to be sold out by GWB and his stupid "doing the jobs that Americans won't do" BS.