I agree with what your saying about how most New Englanders are idelogical soulmates with their RINO Congressmen and vote accordingly, but there's still two exceptions where RINOs are mavericks and need to be taken out. One is when the RINO is so far left that he votes more liberal than a lot of DEMOCRATS in the region (this is true of Linc Chaffee... he is a "Republican" considerably to the left of the moderate, pro-life Dems who win most of the offices in that state). Second, when a RINO is representing a "safe" conservative Republican area. An example is Judy Biggert "representing" people in Illinois 13th District. She reprsents DuPage County, an ultra-safe GOP district that is the Illinois eqiuvilent of Orange county, yet she votes with the RATS half the time. She needs to be taken out.
Here is a sample of some Republicans in "safe" GOP areas who join the "Main Street Coalition" and crossover to vote with the RATS 1/3rd of the time or more. There is NO execuse why we can't have reliable Republicans in those seats:
--Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
--Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK)
--Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL)
--Sen. John Sununu (R-NH)
--Sen. Mike DeWine (R-OH)
--Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH)
--Sen. Liddy Dole (R-NC)
--Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
--Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
--Sen. Kay Hutchison (R-TX)
--Sen. John Warner (R-VA)
--Rep. Jim Kolbe, (R-AZ)
--Rep. Jeb Bradley, (R-NH)
--Rep. Charles Bass, (R-NH)
--Rep. Ray LaHood, (R-IL)
--Rep. Judy Biggert, (R-IL)
--Rep. Doug Bereuter, (R-NE)
--Rep. Deborah Pryce, (R-OH)
--Rep. Ralph Regula, (R-OH)
--Rep. Jim Greenwood, (R-PA)
--Rep. Curt Weldon, (R-PA)
--Rep. Phil English, (R-PA)
--Rep. Kay Granger, (R-TX)
--Rep. Tom Osborne, (R-NE)
--Rep. Jim Ramstad, (R-MN)
--Rep. Joe Schwarz, (R-MI)
--Most GOP Congressman from Update NY (3 or 4 of em)
I agree if you're info is accurate. My follow up question is, in the pub "safe districts" you mention, do they usually elect a RINO or conservative in the primaries?
Just because a district has more registered pubs than dems doesn't mean it isn't a RINO loving district.
Sen. John Sununu (R-NH) should be removed from this list. He has one of the top 10 ACU ratings of all Republican Senators.