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To: txradioguy

Let me think. Yes, it 's those capitalist pigs that murder their own citizens for dissenting against the government. It's capitalist pigs who have to build walls to keep everyone in.

This professor probably thinks we really didn't go to the moon, either.

25 posted on 11/18/2005 12:19:23 PM PST by GeorgiaMike
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To: GeorgiaMike; briansb; MAK1179

Professor defends position on ending the war in Iraq

Campus controversy. U.S. using Middle East as a "profit source," adjunct faculty member claims.
Friday, November 18, 2005
The Express-Times

A part-time professor at Warren County Community College stands by some controversial comments he e-mailed to a student there that have raised eyebrows around the country.

John Daly, an adjunct English professor, said Thursday he believes the war in Iraq will end only when American soldiers turn their guns on their commanders.

"The only possible end for the war is not going to be from our politicians, who represent corporations," Daly said. "We're going to stay in Iraq and occupy the Middle East as a profit source that will only change when the students at WCCC who are sent there to die for oil profits decide they're not going to die there."

Daly said he was a member of International ANSWER, an anti-war group. He e-mailed WCCC freshman Rebecca Beach on Sunday, responding to her request to tell his students about a campus visit by retired Lt. Col. Scott Rutter. Daly's message eventually reached conservative broadcaster Sean Hannity, who read it Thursday during his nationally syndicated radio program.

Rutter, now a Fox News commentator, spoke Thursday about his experiences in Iraq as a battalion commander in the first and current wars in Iraq, and on the way the media report on Iraq.

Beach, a pre-law and political science major, founded the WCCC chapter of Young Americans for Freedom, a national conservative activist group. The group has about 15 members, Beach said.

The group used $1,000 in student activities fees to bring Rutter to campus. The Young America's Foundation, which brings conservative speakers to college campuses, co-sponsored Rutter's talk.

"The administration at WCCC believes Rebecca Beach is an innocent student acting alone, but I recognized her literature right away as being part of a national right-wing movement," Daly said. "Her group is an ultra right-wing, possibly fascist, group."

Beach, who said she has never met Daly, said she invited Rutter to campus as part of her group's celebration of Freedom Week, which commemorates Veterans Day and the toppling of the Berlin Wall on Nov. 9, 1989.

She said she was shocked by Daly's message.

"We were just celebrating and raising awareness," Beach said. "We want free speech and tolerance, and they want it for themselves and not for others. That's just utterly ridiculous."

Reporter Sara Leitch can be reached at 908-475-8044 or by e-mail at

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Go get em boys....

35 posted on 11/18/2005 12:22:53 PM PST by Lloyd227
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To: GeorgiaMike

"...after the lunar landing, we open to a scene of Armstrong and Aldrin struggling to get out the hatch at the same time, Armstrong reaches over and rips the oxygen line out of Aldrin's suit...Aldrin grabs a geologist hammer and whacks the face screen on Armstrong's helmet...Armstrong wriggles out the hatch and does a little dance on the platform before descending, points at the gasping Aldrin inside and says "In your face...BUZZY BOY!" He then slips backwards and falls heavily to the ground, and the director yells out "CUT! Good God, can you guys scale it back a bit, that was too over top...and...ALBERTO!!! WILL YOU MAKE SURE THAT DAMNED BOOM MIKE IS OUT OF THE FIELD OF VIEW NEXT TIME!" At this, Aldrich sticks his head out of the LEM mockup, looks down at the prostrate Armstrong, and breathing heavily says: "Armstrong, you son of a b*tch, that was a really dirty trick. I"M supposed to go out FIRST, not you! READ YOUR DAMNED SCRIPT!"

130 posted on 11/18/2005 1:19:00 PM PST by rlmorel ("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
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