Because the allegedly godless are about 100 million corpses ahead of the rest of us.
Oh, great. Now, I'm a mass murderer. :\
Because the allegedly godless are about 100 million corpses ahead of the rest of us.
Hitler based his "master race" idea on the Bible. What does that do to your childishly simplistic analysis?
Another problem with your goofy argument is that a very small handful of tyrants have managed to rack up large totals in this century because of the realities of modern warfare, but this does nothing to support the assertion that the 99.9+% of the "godless" who haven't committed genocide are somehow less ethical than the 99.9+% of the "godful" who haven't run Inquisitions. It's a gross fallacy (and grossly dishonest) to try to "measure" the general level of ethics of any large group by the behavior of a very few extreme cases.
A further problem with your laughable "analysis" is that you're dishonestly restricting the genocide comparison to the 20th Century -- but for thousands of years, mass slaughter at the hands of believers in a God has been racking up countless victims. I'd be amazed if the grand total didn't easily far exceed 100 million, so you might want to rethink your metric.
And if you want to compare apples to apples, just think how the numbers would compare if past "warriors for God" had had access to modern technology when they set out to slaughter the "heretics" or sacrifice the unworthy to their gods.
Finally, your desperate attempt to distract from the question by pointing to a few mass murderers just doesn't answer the question -- why is it that it's the *creationists* who lie so frequently and unashamedly on these discussions, and not the allegedly "godless" evolutionists? Please explain.