I HATE THIS. Defending yourself is not escalating the conflict. COME TO THINK OF IT, THIS IS HOW THE MSM SEES OUR ENTIRE WOT. As escalation, rather than defense.
I can not say, in front of my children or God, how angry this makes me.
Ted Kennedy's anti-victory, anti-American rhetoric has had me thinking the same thing.
The Rats put party before country (and this is becoming evident every day as they now claim that a conservative minority holding office by election or appointment offers no "diversity" because (s)he doesn't hold the politically correct, read LIBERAL, views to represent that minority).
They were gung ho for supporting Bill Clinton in planning for war against Saddam. Many critics on both sides of the aisle spent the 1990s complaining the Bush41 "didn't finish the job" (even though he was prevented from doing so by the UN). They even understood what was at stake, Saddam was trying to acquire really dangerous weapons (even if he was unsuccesful; we still pursue people who try to hire hitmen but are caught at it). He was limited in his arms defense by the resolution "ending" the Gulf War. He violated his probation.
Clinton, Kerry, et al ALL made the case that we did not rush to war against Saddam a second time. When they made those statements in 1997 AND Clinton said in 2003 that he knew the next administration was going to have to resolve/deal with Saddam's weapons programs, everything else is just a convenient lie to tarnish the Republican president.
He knows.