To: ExSoldier
I know someone who lives in new mexico and he signed conceal carry into law
63 posted on
11/13/2005 4:51:37 AM PST by
sachem longrifle
(Proud member of the Fond Du Lac band of the Chippewa people)
To: sachem longrifle
State politics is different. No telling how he'll betray on a national level. Gun Control has been a major plank of the RAT Platform since 1967. Let's see where GOA or NRA put him at the national level. Let's see what he proposes to do about the borders. Easy to say something has to be done and it's NOT than it is to say THIS IS WHAT I WILL DO TO SOLVE THIS..... and still be held accountable on the level of a Read my Lips.....No New Taxes....etc level. Something that would sink him if he broke the pledge. Like taxes and the economy sank Bush 41.
79 posted on
11/13/2005 10:11:22 AM PST by
(Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson