Especially the poignant part where Bush praised Arlen Sphincter.
Very similar to when Bush said Manslaughter Kennedy was a "fine Senator".
As long as Bush continues to praise enemies of America, like Arlen Sphincter and Manslaughter Kennedy, Bush's "credibility" (what a stretch!) with true conservatives will contiue to sink.
It has already sunk out of sight. There are only a few loyal worshipers who still pretend they can see it.
Yeah, it sure would have been better if Kerry had been elected and we were continuing to ignore terrorists.
Then he could be even madder all the time.
Anyone who could write a post like this in response to this strong speech, and in light of what our soldiers are doing to keep us free, is to be pitied.
Tread. I really feel sorry for you.......but I'd appreciate it if you could keep your misery to yourself once in a while. I hate to see DU'ers made happy by freepers.....
Happy Veteran's Day, all! I thank God for this President, this great country, and the men and women in uniform who serve it.