KEY difference. I don't believe the demoralizers are on our side for one minute.....
I've been thinking about how the MSM has set this election up as a harbinger of '06 and '08 with the gubernatorial elections in NJ and VA...........and how it's not really a bad thing. If the left gets false confidence....... which they will...... because of these two elections (neither of which were surprising), and the right gets more motivated, it will end up being a positive.......because it will make us work even harder.
If you want a real indicator of how much the left has obtained its goal in this election, take a look at Soros' Issues 2-5 in Ohio.
Since Bush solidly took our state (you're welcome America!), the left has been trying to wrest the election, and in these issues future elections, out of the hands of the people and into the hands of leftist special interest groups.
They bombed out BIG time. And it makes me very happy. :)
You're absolutely right. I think 2006 is the GOP's to lose at this point. The Rats have nothing concrete to offer, other than "Not Bush," and we all know how well that worked last year (and in 2002.) Let them get will make their fall and chagrin all the more satisfying.