To: furquhart
So, should I go to bed defeated? Is it really over? Is there still some hope?
547 posted on
11/08/2005 10:19:10 PM PST by
(Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean people aren't out to get you.)
To: ruthles
There's always hope.
I still think that Prop 75, at the least, will pass.
550 posted on
11/08/2005 10:19:47 PM PST by
(Cheney-Bush '08)
To: ruthles
They are much closer than the polls showed.
All of the important ones are within the margin of error.
559 posted on
11/08/2005 10:20:46 PM PST by
(Let's tear down the observatory so we never get hit by a meteor again!)
To: ruthles
So far, Prop. 75 is ahead by 60,000 votes. If it stays that way, the unions will be in big trouble the next time around! Even if all the others fail. Which, sadly, appears to be the case.
563 posted on
11/08/2005 10:20:58 PM PST by
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