And now you know why so many are bailing on this state...even if it means leaving it to the illegal aliens (which Ahhnold will do nothing about).
As soon as I saw Prop 73 turn last night, I went to bed. This is too depressing. Remember the "recall" election? We were told "the tide is changing in CA!" Republicans are coming back!
WHO thinks it's a bad idea to notify parents their daughters are having abortions? Prop 73 isn't to STOP the abortion, just to notify them. Personal responsibility is shunned: we can't have the kids OR THE PARENTS facing theirs.
What a horrible joke. I never planned on living in this state forever, but now I am certain we will speed up our move out of here. Between the failure of Prop 73 alone (not to mention 74, 75, 76, 77), and the 9th Circuit this past week basically saying that parents have no right to influence their children with their religious views (because apparently government schools are the new, REAL parent), I want no part of this state.
I can't wait until parents are arrested for taking their children to church on Sundays.