A "barrel" of petroleum is only 42 gallons.
(Barrels (US) to Gallons (US) conversion calculator)
Still a buck a gallon...very expensive when the tech was invented (by the nazi war machine)...but VERY cheap for today...
Not doing this borders on criminality or at the very least colusion with those who would strangle our economy...a buck a gallon diesle can move a lot of products and services cheaper and lighten the burden on OUR wallets a bit too......
Let the bottom fall out from under Oil and let the arabs eat sand...
Plus building those plants would be good paying *Union* jobs...
(just had to throw the last in as a construction Electrician...*Grin*)
True, but how many gallons of diesel do you get from a barrel of crude oil?
Really? I always thought that a "barrel" was a standard 55 US gallons.