But it's just a matter of time before al Qaeda or some other Islamofascist terror group organizes attacks on something the French care about. The angry 'teenagers' causing trouble are ripe for take-over, and it's serious. France has a generation of young Muslim males without decent jobs and with a deep sense of entitlement and wounded self esteem. Sound familiar? How about poverty stricken Palestinians? At any rate, Muslims are having more children, so at some point demographics will give them enough votes to transform the country into an Islamic theocracy and France will be lost.
"France has a generation of young Muslim males without decent jobs and with a deep sense of entitlement and wounded self esteem. Sound familiar? How about poverty stricken Palestinians? At any rate, Muslims are having more children, so at some point demographics will give them enough votes to transform the country into an Islamic theocracy and France will be lost."
Yes, it does sound familiar. It sounds like the demographic, political, and socio-economic situation in the United States in the 1960s, with massive race riots and the frenetic rise of the Black Muslims.
I note how America responded, to a demographic problem about double that faced by France. It was effective, and France will no doubt follow a similar path: government jobs programs, affirmative action. Islam isn't one of the things on the list of complaints of these angry protestors in France. They are protesting their lack of integration, not calling for Sharia.