Posted on 11/01/2005 1:21:52 PM PST by gopwinsin04
Gwen Stefani's Harajuku girls have been getting a lot of attention lately, and I have to say that I am confused. I like Gwen Stefani, she's allright. She's very stylish, has a nice voice and a flat stomach. She is a rock star and quite good at it.
Now she has 4 things all together, the Harajuku Girls. I want to like them, and I want to think that they are great, but I am not sure if I can. I mean, racial sterotypes are really cute sometimes, and I don't want to bum everybody out by pointing out the minstrel show.
I think it is totally acceptable to enjoy the Harajuku girls because there are not that many other Asian people in the media and we have to take what we can get. Amos n' Andy had lots of fans didn't they?
At least it is a measure of visibility, which is much better than invisibility. Even though to me, a Japanese schoolgirl uniform is kind of like blackface, I am just in acceptance over it because something is better than nothing.
An ugly picture is better than a blank space, and it means one day we will have another display at the Museum of Asian Invisibilty, that groups of children will crowd around in disbelief, because once upon a time, we weren't there.
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I am waiting for the next few Quentin Tarentino movies.
Revenge of Go Go Yubari
Return of Go Go Yubari
Treasure of Go Go Yubari
Go Go and the Hidden Whatever
Go Go - The Beginning
Gwen is so friggin gorgeous, and she is a total star performer. Saw her in a hometown performance in February 2003 (Long Beach, CA), which was filmed and is shown on Cinemax or HBO occasionally. Has that voice that many young female singers try to rip-off, but it is uniquely hers. Not really a good voice, but still "great" cause she set herself apart when most others don't.
And I may get flamed by some who have no idea what she's really done professionally, or by those pretentious types who believe anything "pop" sucks, but she is a very gifted pop songwriter. People naturally want to sing her melodies, they stay with you, and that is a gift from God. And she just plain rocks too!
The day she gets a boob job, if ever, is the day I'll stop admiring her though. She proves that small-breasted women can be every bit as sexy as mega-boob barbies--in fact I rather prefer her slender, sleek body to the fake-t*ts-on-a-stick types so prevalant in entertainment (not that there's anything wrong with them!)
And her admiration of harajuku girls (asian girls period) is definitely shared by me!
Now I just wish she would do more classy shoots!
Haha -- someone else is unhappy with Madonna:
Far better than that she is Patrick Bateman's stepmom. That is the role she pretty much ordered Leo DiCaprio not to take because young girls would go to see him in it. I love irony.
I only first heard about them about four minutes ago.
I think the Harajuko girls are hot and only first heard about them about four minutes ago.
That's for sure. I guess it's hard on the way down. Self-hatred, and the guilt that often accompanies it, seems to plague many leftie dems. There was a time I thought Cho was funny, but I had only limited exposure to her, she was on some TV show.
so now she is trying to latch her falling star to Gwen.
-snip- And not just by latching on, but by trying to make Gwen look bad.
Ha! Yay for Sharon! I'm glad people are finally seeing Madonna for what she is. She's like a tonic seller at a turn of the (20th) century county fair, selling whatever you'll buy and promising it will work miracles for you. She loves to hear herself talk, and the bonus is she wants to 'help us', too! LOL. I wonder if Sharon is annoyed by Madonna's fake, vague European 'accent'? LOL.
Revenge of Go Go Yubari
Return of Go Go Yubari
Treasure of Go Go Yubari
Go Go and the Hidden Whatever
Go Go - The Beginning
Go Go Yubari and the Next Generation, starring her daughter.
LOL! Excellent! It could be an empire worthy of ranking with the Star Wars empire, or surpassing it! There could be endless variations, enriching Tarentino for years to come. And Gwen and 'her' Harajuku girls could make singing appearances in them just like 'The 5,6,7,8's' did for Kill Bill.
The schoolgirl uniform would become popular again for everyone!
Speaking as one of the few people on the face of the planet who watched this fat lesbian's TV show in its brief run, I distinctly remember CHO HERSELF dressing as a schoolgirl in at least one episode.
Hypocrisy, thy name is Margaret.
Was going to post something longer but you are right if you want to look Goth as a female that's it.
Wasn't her hair perfect ?
You mean Gwen? It always looks great, she really is beautiful. I believe she's a natural brunette, but few can wear the platinum blonde like she can, it looks great. It's perfectly done. I liked it when it was pink, too!
And for Chiaki Kuriyama, her hair is the quintessential Japanese schoolgirl look. LOL, my hair looks/looked much like that, so I appreciate the look, but it's funny to see, for me.
Remember, before she was a full time gun-grabbing left wing whack-job, Rosie O'Donnell was also a fat female comedian.
Again, respectfully, I disagree in a way. Some of them may have been ubitiquous, but it was her delivery, her voice, the 'sound' of her band, the 'torch' effect of her songs. Same message as others, different delivery system. That's what I loved then and still love. Inventive, musical, and a real voice.
It was obvious for awhile that she was a girl with issues, so, I'm glad she moved on. We all do. I'm also glad to say her issues never dipped to Madonna lows!
Well, we all have those issues from time to time, maybe that's what appealed to me, and still does. She is a different kind of singer than Madonna. Instead of being a 'performer', she is a musician first, and it shows in her music. Let's hope she keeps away from the Madonna path as she continues in her career.
Also, I could be wrong, but I've never heard Gwen Stefani say anything controversial or political. I'll bet that has something to do with Cho's dislike of her.
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