"Scooter was indicted on five counts of contradicting a reporter... "
If this is the case, it seems the perfect oppurtunity to start putting the press on trial. Just like any He said/She said (Clinton vs. Jones), motivation and past behavior should become a factor. Heck, the fact that you already have Miller with memory problems and even her own so-called "friends" questioning her ethics and integrity, would seem to be a plus for Libby.
Throw in the obvious instances of bias, misrepresentations (lies) and even hostility, and we could have an interesting trial. I've already seen several examples of were the media was directly responsible for helping perpetuate the myth that "Cheney sent Wilson to Niger" when the evidence was obviously to the contrary.
Combine this with the media's continued lies over the "16 Words" and claims that Bush lied, when even the Butler and Senate Intel Reports indicated that it wasn't Bush who lied...but Wilson. I'm probably dreaming, but this seems like the perfect oppurtunity to kill a couple birds (Wilson and the media) with one indictment...and maybe even get to the bottom of the CIA fraud.