Is food a necessity or a luxury for individuals? For a nation?
Is food a necessity or a luxury for individuals?
Depends where you shop.
Ok, take it one step further. What foods are a necessity and what foods are a luxury. Is a cupcake a luxury or a necessity? Is Corn a luxury or a necessity? I hate corn, therefore I decide we should not subsidize corn because I don't like it and you don't have to have it to survive. You do do just fine with wheat, which I happen to like. What about a farmer that raises corn and feeds it to his cattle? Isn't that a waste? Why not eat the corn and get rid of the beef. We need more regulation to go along with those subsidies. In your world you will have a government deciding which farmers (based on what they produce) will get subsidized and which farmers will not. Growing sugar beets? You are on your own baby, sugar is bad for you.