Do you drive? Or would you ride the bus?
Given that there are three other options to train travel, which the vast majority of travelers find as (if not more) acceptable, I'm questioning whether people "like you" constitute a large enough market to warrant the service.
Passenger trains are, by their nature, very expensive propositions -- in terms of both fixed and variable costs. If the market can't justify regular service, then economics would dictate that the service not be offered.
I drive local but my husband and I have reached an age where long trips are to hard on us, so we would be stopping and staying in motels. The reason I don't like the bus is you can't get up and walk around.
My husband and I took the train from Washinton State to Indiana in 1983 and that was quite enjoyable. It was a lot cheaper for us than driving by the time we would have paid for motels etc. I haven't traveled the train that much but the times I did, they were full of passengers. I think as bad as the airlines have gotten more and more people will take the train.