I'm the guy who Greg mentioned who works in that building.
I know a hell of a lot about Jim, anyone who reads his facebook profile would know some of this. He supports Earth First, he used to be a vegan, he's radically left-wing, anti-war, anarchist, socialist/communist, the whole 9 yards. Animal rights activists would want to generally mess with Richards Hall, as it is the Zoology building and houses plenty of animal research.
Welcome to FreeRepublic! (O:
We kinda figured that that was the case here after finding Boyce's writings and such that were available online. We're currently discussing this case over on this new thread that contains OU Daily's article: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1508704/posts
Rte66 has listed links for the court docs available online in this case. Seems Scooby Axson (OU REPORTER) "found" information not available in the affadavit it supposedly came from.
Something is definitely not right in all of this...
Wonder if he is a 'Urban Explorer'?
from here:
I found several 'lefists' college students discussing breaking into college 'no go' zones at LABS and even discussing how to handle the 'odd case of running into janitors in the building'!! Go check it out!!