Wegmans is indeed a supurb supermarket. I liked Chase-Pitkin for some things, mostly because it was convenient being next to Toys R Us. Too bad for the workers, but Wegmans has been rated in the past as one of the best companies to work for. They'll do ok.
I couldn't agree more! Now, if they could take their idea nationwide, they'd provide great competition to the likes of some of the more liberal-friendly supermarket chains. That would, however, go against their business model as they don't currently pay $30/hour and $40,000/yr to grocery baggers like stores in California does.
Although a quick search at Opensecrets.org shows that two top Wegmans officials (including the founder) donated $2,000 to President Bush in 2004.
top 100 actually - you realize they buy that honor
great stores - dont get me wrong - but youll pay for the privledge of shopping there
Have a pal who worked in corporate, typical salary nonsense where you are paid a weekly salary and expected to work sat and sun as well - if you dont, you get passed over - same for participation in the United way campaign
.....and that doesnt even begin to address the practice of staffing the register leader position with gum snappin eye candy while some refugee from kodaks slashes mans the register