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To: takbodan; cynicom

I couldn't agree more! Now, if they could take their idea nationwide, they'd provide great competition to the likes of some of the more liberal-friendly supermarket chains. That would, however, go against their business model as they don't currently pay $30/hour and $40,000/yr to grocery baggers like stores in California does.

Although a quick search at shows that two top Wegmans officials (including the founder) donated $2,000 to President Bush in 2004.

9 posted on 10/18/2005 7:23:34 PM PDT by Dan Nunn
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To: Dan Nunn

Wegmans has moved as far south as VA and moving into NC soon.

10 posted on 10/18/2005 7:28:56 PM PDT by cynicom
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To: Dan Nunn
Wegmans donations are legendary. One of the Wegman's was well known for his multi million dollar donation (He did this ANNUALY!) to one of the local Catholic schools. They came to rely on it. Then one year, after they pulled some kind of leftist in your face kind of socialist anti Christian bone head move (danged if I remember what it was..LOL) he decided not to give them the several million bucks. They blew a gasket, cried to the media, whined how they relied on it, etc. I think he held fast and didn't give them the cash. Much to his credit, IMHO.

Anyway, for those not from around here, Wegmans Markets are consistently rated as one of the best companies in the entire US to work for, and are always rated number 1 in grocery stores. Anyone I know that works for them has never said a bad word about them. All I ever hear from them is how well they are treated. Non union too. The unions have tried getting in in the past, only to be told to take a flying leap by the employees.

For the record, they are a private business. Basically a family business. A HUGE family business, but still not a public company. So when you hear about sales, profits, margins, and so forth, they are just estimates and speculation.

11 posted on 10/18/2005 7:42:00 PM PDT by Nik Naym
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