"Take a deep breath, if you would read what I actually said, the debate about the actual merits of evolution is a side show. What is really going on is a battle in the CULTURE WARS!
WHY DO YOU THINK I SAID "The whole argument really has nothing to do with fossils or biology." It is because the debate over ID is not about evolution, but trying to keep morals in society.
Why you think I am trying to discuss evolution baffles me."
My Dear Mrs. Mark,
Well, I should have known that your posting in a thread discussing evolution as presented in museums had nothing to do with evolution.
I certainly should have known that your original question to me about life being a "mish-mash of carbon" and suggesting that evolution be replaced by ID had nothing to do with evolution.
Please forgive me for missing the unwritten context of your discussion. I am no mind-reader, so my comments must be limited to the words written by people I do not know and cannot see.
So, I shall take several deep breaths, then ignore your future posts. I would not want to make similar mistakes again.
Perhaps in another thread, you will discuss football by writing about fishing. I guess I'm just not clever enough to read between invisible lines.
I remain, yours truly,
Please forgive me for missing the unwritten context of your discussion. I am no mind-reader, so my comments must be limited to the words written by people I do not know and cannot see.
Chill out, descend your High Horse and actually read the post. I do believe the Battle between Evolutionist and those who push Intelligent Design, is not really about science, but about culture.
It's not reading between the lines, but rather seeing the big picture in context.