Do you think this particular computer was brought into the apartment after the search? If so, why? Those hard drives had to be taken during the initial search -- was this a laptop that someone had taken out of the apartment before the search?
This inquiring mind wants to know because I refuse to believe law enforcement would allow a computer to remain when they obtained a search warrant for the apartment and confiscated explosives and other items but they want me to believe they left a computer turned on? Anyone that believes that computer story should be interested in swamp land Sooners are selling in AZ.
Clarification: The incident was not in Seattle, but the radio show that actually addressed the issue (as opposed to mainstram media who ignored it) is in Seattle - KVI, on the John Carlson show. John also invited as his guest the woman who wrote about the third person in the Timothy McVeigh Oklahoma city bombing. She finds this incident troubling as well...