Exactly, and that's why I think it's useful to keep track of what they're up to. And then there are days like this that make it all worthwhile!
I've taped or Tivoed the Today show when they've had a good musical guest playing outside. Now that was a fresh and original concept. The most useful thing the Today show does
The Today show moves people to the left just by their choice of news to cover and people to interview. This is the biggest sin of the Today show and all our mainstream media. They can (try to) kill you just by ignoring you. Such as with the Swift Boat Vets
You have to be creative and use brainpower to slant a news item you cover. The best & easiest way to slant the news is to cherry pick the news and people you cover in order to move viewers & readers over to your liberal-leftist mindset. For the Today show I would say liberal-leftist producers call a lot of the shots here