Posted on 10/06/2005 5:51:28 PM PDT by MikefromOhio
DALLAS -- Confident that a thorough security plan for the Cotton Bowl was developed before a deadly explosion outside the University of Oklahoma's football stadium last week, authorities said no drastic new safeguards will be made for Saturday's game between Texas and Oklahoma.
But authorities warned that security personnel around the Cotton Bowl will be more alert in response to the blast, which investigators say was caused when explosives attached to a student's body detonated within 100 yards of where more than 80,000 fans were gathered inside Oklahoma Memorial Stadium.
"That's one of things we drilled into the heads of our officers," said Dallas Deputy Chief Jesse Reyes. "To be vigilant about suspicious-looking persons or suspicious-looking vehicles or anything of that sort."
Joel Henry Hinrichs III, 21, died Saturday when the device attached to his body exploded about while he sat on a bench outside George Lynn Cross Hall on the campus in Norman, Okla., officials said. The blast could be heard inside the stadium, where Oklahoma was playing Kansas State.
University of Oklahoma President David Boren said Tuesday that authorities continue to believe that Hinrichs did not try to get into the stadium and that he acted alone.
Reyes said Dallas police have been talking with FBI investigators to learn more about the explosion, so that officers patrolling the game can watch for similar signs or evidence Saturday. Officials said the day of the Texas-Oklahoma game draws about 250,000 fans and visitors to the State Fair of Texas, which takes place outside the Cotton Bowl and serves as the backdrop to the rivalry.
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my Packers??
I am a Browns fan :)
The Sips are only favored by 2. That's fine with me. Boomer Sooner, Go Big Red.
My purse and all my OU gear have always been searched in the main buildings on the Fairgrounds, through many years, but not often going into the Cotton Bowl itself. Maybe we have alternating gate guards, Oklahoma one year, Texans another year. Nah.
I think it's the "orange" thing. If we're wearing red, we're suspects. We may be carrying oranges of mass destruction. Er, make that self-destruction this year.
sorry about that.
I seriously doubt it.
I am NOT saying that someone from his mosque wouldn't be there....
but this kid was just the useful idiot for the Muzzies if that is the case. If he was set up anyway, he wasn't the planner. Far from it. He was the guy that had to do the footwork so to speak.
He didn't plan crap, otherwise he would have been in that stadium, not outside of it.
I don't know
Texas looked pretty good against OSU....
OU can win, but I think this game will be good.
it's cool :)
My dad is a Packers fan. A LONG suffering one too....
Heh, BTW, that was "favored" by 2 touchdowns, not points, lol. Old habits die hard. Just didn't want you to get away with saying 3 touchdown margin!
Of course I think we *can* win, but we've been grieving on campus all week, ya know. I do think 14 points for UT might be a good bet--for my side.
He did not blow himself and that backpack was meant to be left along with the other one and be detonated to kill people in the stadium. Thanks to the new alcohol policy, they wanted to check his backpack.
wait a second...
virtually EVERY story has the bomb strapped to him....
now it was a backpack?
I forgot the PC crowd took over!
very possible..
Texas hasn't played badly in a game yet....
Funny, isn't it, how the planners never seem interested in taking the shortcut to Paradise themselves. The grunts, alas, are too dim-witted to notice this odd pattern.
that is my experience.
I mean is Zarqawi was SOOO committed, he would have driven one of those car bombs by now ya know?
He was removing the bombing materials from a backpack to put them in a vest and most assume to go back in as they don't pat people down, take off the vest and detonate it that way. Instead something happened and it blew up while he was sitting on the bench. The bomb had a directional device and they have found metal in the trees. There was a second backpack which Boren first said was blown up and then said it had nothing in it but that was not the facts according to sources in Norman PD. The 2nd backpack also contained a bomb.
I bet there are changes in security proceedures at games all over the country this week. They just may not be made public.
I wonder if the trigger device was set off by any two way radios perhaps?
either way, I don't think this guy was really the planner of the event at all. Generally the planners don't plant or wear the bombs.
The teams shook the city down for more money. They will probably raise the ante again when Jerry Jones gets his billion dollar palace.
And, of course when the Black schools heard that Texas and OU were getting more money for their game, they played the race card even though they already knew that more money was headed their direction.
All I know is, as frustrated as Texas has been over the last 4 years, if they get up early there will be no mercy. At least that's what I hope...
Looks like he was the bomb maker -- my guess is when he couldn't get in the stadium, his handlers blew him up before he could transfer everything to the vest. Two-way radios would make sense.
I think this is the game where OU either grows up or goes completely backwards....
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