Did you see where NRO thought Thomas was another Souter? So maybe you are right. Maybe she will be another Thomas, seeing as all these conservatives thinks she is a Souter.
History repeats itself:
United Press International
July 8, 1981, Wednesday, AM cycle
SECTION: Washington News
In Texas, television evangelist James Robison expressed his support for Mrs. [Sandra Day] O'Connor based on a conversation Tuesday with presidential counselor Edwin Meese.
A Robison aide said Meese told the evangelist:
''Sandra O'Connor thinks abortion is abhorrent and is not in favor of it. She agrees with the president on abortion. There was a time when she was sympathetic toward the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) movement, but the more she studied and found out about it, the more she changed her mind.
''She is very conservative ... Sandra O'Connor assured the president that she was in agreement with him and she totally supports pro-family issues and the Republican platform.''
Nice straw man argument, but let's stay on point here....maybe YOU would like to answer the following...
....just WHY should Conservatives have to be Miss Cleo to KNOW WHAT THEY ARE GETTING for all their hard work?
"Read my lips...she's another Scalia/Thomas!"
So...Does THIS make you feel comfortable?
Now, try and answer this WITHOUT diverting attention...if you can.