Then you shouldn't have responded to post #50 in which I ridiculed those who were claiming that TATP had no smell.
Your response put you on their ignorant side and has left you flailing on this thread. It's unseemly.
If you agreed with me all along that TATP emits a very detectable smell, then you should have been clear and made a simple post to such effect.
If you just wanted to say that TATP has an aroma, but it doesn't precisely mimick the famous smell of nail polish remover (i.e. "acetone"), then again, you should have been more clear.
Your lack of clarity is your problem, after all, not mine.
Your words. (1) Acetone isn't TATP. (2) Acetone doesn't have a "powdered form," and in particular TATP isn't acetone in powdered form. Equating TATP with acetone is nonsense, and doing so with contempt, as your post does, makes it rank. Let's speak again about clarity, ignorance, flailing, and unseemliness.
Furthermore, I don't know for a fact that pure, freshly prepared TATP has any odor at all, notwithstanding your other post. Do you? It is easy to prepare in impure form, and whether such material smells has little bearing on whether the pure material does.