Sort of like being dehumanized
Then you and the others are saying that those who continue to support the President are blind robots and inhuman?
Oh, and then there's the feeling I get both from threads like this one and from my liberal co-workers that I should just shut up and take what they and you say as gosple.
And Heaven help anyone who ssays anything positive about President Bush or anyone who works for him or are related to him.
I'm trying not to be offensive or stubborn but I feel like my opinions are being stifled or ridiculed.
Sorry for the rant but I had a bad day and it's getting worse.
Sort of like being dehumanized"
I am one of those others that you describe that has used that term today and I apologize for being such an ass.
I have posted more in the last few days than I have in years and I was getting a little frustrated at being called names and being attacked for what I believe are legitimate concerns.
Please except my heartfelt apologies.
No matter what we think about this choice we will not know anything for sure for a few years and after we see some decisions come down.
My watermark is the 08 elections to decide where my support will go.