Im not sure how to feel about this. On one hand it sure looks like there is a news blackout on this story which makes me a bit p!$$ed off. On the other if this prevents the islamoRats from gaining a Rumpadan propaganda victory then I guess I can live with it.
yes, but covering it up also prevents any political impetus to have law enforcement do anything about rooting this out domestically. the beauracratic mentality says "don't worry about it, nothing happened, no one knows, just move along".
if this was a terror attack, that tells us alot about how poorly domestic law enforcement agencies are at sweeping this out from inside this country.
CNN has now reported it on video, with a voice report from a local affiliate male reporter, from KOCO (I think).
The blond on had a "huh?" attitude to her the entire time. No reason given. No report about 2 bombs, backpacks, men running, cell phones down, other injuries, etc.
This story is being killed.
Show trials coming up!
If it was them, scoring an "own goal", without taking out any of the Infidels isn't much of a victory. Pretty funny really. In fact, I love it when that happens!