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To: Cindy

How serious are these photos in 2887?

I can't see the words on the last one, but it looks as though the towns are New York, London and ?

Thanks for all you do.

2,907 posted on 10/15/2005 3:51:59 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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To: nw_arizona_granny; Cindy; ExSoldier; MamaDearest; jer33 3; Velveeta; Domestic Church; LucyT; ...
**Girl Has Drug-Resistant Case of Bird Flu (Vietnam - 10/14/05)**

Oct 14 1:44 PM US/Eastern - By MALCOLM RITTER AP Science Writer

The bird flu virus that infected a Vietnamese girl was resistant to the main drug that's being stockpiled in case of a pandemic, a sign that it's important to keep a second drug on hand as well, a researcher said Friday.

He said the finding was no reason to panic.

The drug in question, Tamiflu, still attacks "the vast majority of the viruses out there," said Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Tokyo and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The drug, produced by Swiss- based Roche Holding AG, is in short supply as nations around the world try to stock up on it in case of a global flu pandemic.

Kawaoka said the case of resistance in the 14-year-old girl is "only one case, and whether that condition was something unique we don't know."

He also said it's not surprising to see some resistance to Tamiflu, because that had also happened with human flu. The girl's Tamiflu-resistant virus was susceptible to another drug, Relenza, Kawaoka said...

Link to Full Article

2,909 posted on 10/15/2005 5:53:40 AM PDT by all4one (The Islamic Homicide Bombers are really helping to spread the message about the real nature of Islam)
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To: All; Alabama MOM; Shadow5644

A 2004 report, a good reminder of how much has been completed to the point that they could talk about it.....

United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary
Oversight Hearing: Aiding Terrorists – An Examination of the Material Support Statute
May 5, 2004

The Honorable Chris Wray
Assistant Attorney General ,





MAY 5, 2004

Mr. Chairman, members of the Committee, thank you for asking us here today. I am pleased to be able to discuss with
you the Justice Department=s efforts in the investigation and prosecution of terrorists, and in the protection of the
American people from future terrorist attacks. I am also pleased to discuss how the material support statutes have been
crucial to those efforts.

We have made significant progress and scored key victories in the war on terror. Since September 11, we have charged
310 defendants with criminal offenses as a result of terrorism investigations. 179 have already been convicted. We have
broken up terrorist cells in Buffalo, Charlotte, Portland, and northern Virginia. Through interagency and international
cooperation, nearly two-thirds of Al Qaeda=s leadership worldwide has been captured or killed. We are dismantling the
terrorist financial network: $136 million in assets have been frozen in 660 accounts around the world.

The recent tragedy in Madrid, however, has been yet another grim reminder that our enemies continue to plot such
catastrophic attacks and will not willingly stop trying to strike us at home. The United States and its allies have been
subject to deadly terrorist attacks tied to Al Qaeda throughout the world. Several weeks after the Madrid train bombings,
British authorities arrested nine terrorist suspects and seized half a ton of ammonium nitrate fertilizer, a chemical used to
make bombs, in a storage garage near London=s Heathrow Airport. Two weeks ago, a car bomb in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia killed five people and wounded 147 others; at the time, Saudi officials reported that they had defused five other
bombs in and around Riyadh that week. And just a few weeks ago, Usama bin Laden called on Al Qaeda and its
supporters to continue their terrorist holy war, or jihad, against the United States, and tried to drive a wedge between
coalition partners with threats of violence.

The Attorney General has made it clear that the Justice Department=s top priority is to prevent terrorist attacks before
they occur. All of us in the Department have placed a premium on finding creative ways to disrupt terrorist planning and
operations before disaster strikes. Pursuing and prosecuting terrorists after an attack is part of our mission, but it is not the
focus of our efforts.

Old models of law enforcement and deterrence are ineffective against adversaries who not only accept, but glorify, killing
themselves in the course of attacking innocent people. We cannot and will not limit our role to a reactive one, simply
picking up the pieces after terrorist attacks. In other words, we are playing strong offense, not just defense, through
aggressive investigation, comprehensive intelligence gathering, and real-time analysis of data.

Our offensive strategy targets both the perpetrators of violence and those who give them material support. The chronology
of a terrorist plot is a continuum from idea, to planning, to preparation, to execution and attack. The material support
statutes help us strike earlier on that continuum -- we would much rather catch terrorists with their hands on a check than
on a bomb. By dismantling the entire terrorist network, from the front-line killers, to those training to kill, to the fundraisers
and facilitators, we maximize our chances of neutralizing terrorist activity. The more difficult it is for a terrorist to reach our
shores, or communicate with co-conspirators, or buy a bomb, or learn how to build one, the less likely it is that a bomb
will explode in one of our cities and kill innocent Americans.

The material support statutes -- 18 U.S.C. '' 2339A and 2339B -- and related offenses like the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), 50 U.S.C.

' 1701 et seq., and seditious conspiracy, 18 U.S.C. ' 2384, have been a crucial part of our prevention strategy. Their
scope, which properly extends not only to violent terrorists but also to their supporters, gives our investigators and
prosecutors an invaluable tool with which to pursue, disrupt, incapacitate, and punish those who would do us harm.

The statutory definition of Amaterial support@ illustrates the breadth of resources that terrorists may need to carry out a
successful attack, and the many ways in which their supporters can contribute to the spread of violence. For example,
terrorists need not only weapons, but also the training to use them, the money to buy them, and the personnel to wield
them. Furthermore, while planning and preparing for their attacks, terrorists need safe places to stay, expert advice on
targets and methods of attack, communications equipment to keep in touch with each other, means of transportation, and
identity documents to cross borders.

In implementing our proactive strategy of prevention, we have put the material support statutes to good use. Only a
handful of material support prosecutions were initiated before September 11, but since then, the Department has charged
over 50 defendants with such offenses in 17 different judicial districts. The following examples of these cases illustrate the
breadth of terrorist activity that the material support statutes allow us to disrupt and punish.

The most obvious category of material support cases involves defendants who actually volunteer to commit violence on
behalf of terrorists and foreign terrorist organizations. In our view, prosecutors may use the material support statutes to
prosecute these individuals because the definition of Amaterial support@ includes Apersonnel,@ in the form of one=s
own personal services. Using the material support statutes, we have broken up violent jihad cells across the country:

Members of a terrorist cell in Lackawanna, New York traveled to Afghanistan and attended an Al Qaeda-affiliated
training camp there before the September 11 attacks. They pleaded guilty to material support charges, agreed to
cooperate, and are now serving prison terms ranging from eight to ten years.

Members of another terrorist cell in Portland, Oregon attempted to travel to Afghanistan after September 11 to fight on
behalf of the Taliban. After being charged with conspiring to provide material support to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, they
pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy and IEEPA violations and were sentenced to prison terms ranging from seven to 18

In March, several members of another cell in northern Virginia were convicted of material support offenses after training in
the United States to fight jihad in Afghanistan and Kashmir. Two defendants also traveled to Pakistan after September 11
to train further in a terrorist camp there. The defendants will be sentenced in June and face up to life in prison.

When persons like these actually learn how to wage violent jihad from groups such as Al Qaeda, and then return to the
United States, they pose a clear and serious threat to the safety of the American people. Tens of thousands have attended
training camps where they have been schooled in terrorist tradecraft, learning skills like bomb-making and covert
communications. It is very difficult to know exactly when these sleeper agents may go operational, and what manner of
violence they may visit upon innocent citizens. Nor should we wait to find out. The material support statutes enable
prosecutors to take such persons off the streets and into court, where they face stiff penalties that match the threat they
pose. Moreover, the sentences available under the statutes often produce cooperation with the government, and thereby
lead to valuable intelligence about terrorist networks. Without the material support statutes, prosecutors may still pursue
these terrorists through other avenues -- for example, by seeking to deport them for violating immigration laws -- but these
alternatives are not always available and often lack the same potential for incapacitation and intelligence-gathering.

The material support statutes also allow us to strike at earlier stages of terrorist operations by pursuing those who provide
a wide array of support to the front-line killers. For example, Iyman Faris, a naturalized citizen working as a truck driver in
Ohio, helped Al Qaeda by researching the capabilities of ultralight airplanes, extending the airline tickets of several Al
Qaeda members, and surveying a potential target and reporting his assessment by coded message. Upon pleading guilty to
material support charges, he was sentenced to twenty years in prison.

Last August, the FBI arrested Hemant Lakhani in New Jersey for allegedly attempting to sell a shoulder-fired
surface-to-air missile to an FBI cooperating witness for the purpose of downing a U.S. civilian airliner. Lakhani was
charged with offenses including attempting to provide material support to terrorists and faces up to 25 years in prison.

In March, in San Diego, California, two men pleaded guilty to providing material support to Al Qaeda. They had
negotiated with undercover agents to buy four Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, which the defendants stated would be sold to
associates of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Each faces up to fifteen years in prison for this offense.

Of course, in addition to these specific types of assistance, supporters of terrorism can also provide money itself, which
every terrorist group needs to survive. In some cases, terrorist supporters in the U.S. engage in crimes within our borders
to support violence overseas. For example, we uncovered a group of Lebanese nationals in Charlotte, North Carolina,
who were using the proceeds of credit-card fraud and cigarette smuggling to fund Hizballah operatives in Beirut. The lead
defendant in this case was convicted of sixteen separate counts that included providing material support to Hizballah, and
was ultimately sentenced to the maximum penalty of 155 years in prison. Similarly, another group in Detroit sent the
proceeds of their own cigarette-smuggling ring to Hizballah. The lead defendant in this case pleaded guilty to providing
material support to Hizballah and was sentenced to almost five years in prison.

Terrorist financiers also conceal their funding of terrorist organizations by using charitable front organizations. For example,
Sami Al-Arian, a former university professor in Tampa, Florida, has been charged with material support and related
offenses for allegedly operating secretly as the North American leader for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, one of the world=s
most lethal terrorist organizations. Al-Arian allegedly helped operate and fund an organization that has killed over a
hundred people, including U.S. citizens.

Terrorists know that money is their lifeblood and have voiced frustration at the success of our efforts to clamp down on
terrorist financing. Take, for example, the complaints of Jeffrey Battle, a member of the terrorist cell broken up in Portland.
In a recorded conversation with an FBI informant, Battle explained why his enterprise was not as organized as he thought
it should have been (quote):

A[B]ecause we don=t have support. Everybody=s scared to give up any money to help us. . . . Because that law that
Bush wrote about . . . Everybody=s scared . . . He made a law that says for instance I left out of the country and I fought,
right, but I wasn=t able to afford a ticket but you bought my plane ticket, you gave me the money to do it . . . By me going
and me fighting, by this new law, they can come and take you and put you in jail.@

Battle was right. His ex-wife, who knowingly helped fund his travel toward Afghanistan, was prosecuted, pleaded guilty,
and is now in prison, like Battle himself.

We have also learned that our pursuit of terrorist financiers can lead to the apprehension not only of those who write
checks to terrorists, but also of the dangerous and violent terrorists themselves. In a case I mentioned earlier, members of
a terrorist cell in northern Virginia were convicted of providing, and conspiring to provide, material support to terrorist
groups. In her opinion, District Judge Leonie Brinkema quoted a report introduced into evidence against the Virginia cell
members. The report was written by a fundraiser for Benevolence International Foundation (BIF), an Islamic charity
headquartered in Chicago. The fundraiser had been invited to observe the Virginia cell=s military-style paintball training
exercises, and praised the fervor of the cell members and the rigor of their training sessions.

The report first came to the attention of investigators and federal prosecutors in Chicago who suspected BIF=s executive
director of diverting charitable contributions to terrorist organizations around the world. They sent the report to the Justice
Department=s Counterterrorism Section, which in turn forwarded it to federal prosecutors in Virginia. The result: In
Chicago, BIF=s executive director pleaded guilty to a racketeering conspiracy, admitting that BIF donors were misled into
believing that their donations would support peaceful causes when in fact funds were spent to support violence overseas.
He was sentenced last August to over eleven years in prison. In northern Virginia, nine of eleven defendants have been
convicted or have pleaded guilty to offenses arising out of the cell=s preparations for jihad. The relationship between these
two investigations illustrates the coordination and the proactive and preventive strategy that we must employ to win the
war on terror.

Before I finish, I should address one important issue. Some people have expressed concerns about potential First
Amendment implications of the material support statutes. But the material support statutes do not, and should not, prohibit
people from believing what they want, however misguided, advocating what they believe in, and acting independently and
nonviolently based on their beliefs. It is only when someone crosses the line between advocacy and action on behalf of
terrorists or a designated foreign terrorist group that they can and should be prosecuted. As Judge William Skretny told
Shafal Mosed, one of the Lackawanna Six, when sentencing him to eight years in prison, the material support offense Ais
not a thought crime,@ and that A[i]f you had supported Al Qaeda in your heart only, you would not be here today.@
Rather, Judge Skretny said, he was being punished because he Amade a decision to take action.@ In short, neither the
statutes nor our enforcement of them infringes First Amendment rights.

Mr. Chairman, I thank you again for inviting us here and giving us the opportunity to discuss how the material support
statutes are being used in the field to fight terrorism. I would also like to thank this Committee for its continued leadership
and support. Together, we will continue to make great strides in our battle to defeat those who would do this country

After you hear from my colleagues, Mr. Bryant and Mr. Bald, I will be happy to respond to any questions you may have.

2,915 posted on 10/15/2005 7:19:35 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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To: All; Alabama MOM; LibertyRocks; all4one

An interesting site, has many links to school violence, other pages are also interesting.

2,916 posted on 10/15/2005 8:19:16 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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To: All; LibertyRocks

Ok. Bombing shows up here - plus more

Dope and gangs, ICE.

2,917 posted on 10/15/2005 8:29:46 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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To: All

2,922 posted on 10/15/2005 9:20:59 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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To: All; Cindy; StillProud2BeFree; Velveeta; DAVEY CROCKETT; Calpernia

Do you know this site, it is full of hate.

Ahmed Rami
Radio Islam

2,926 posted on 10/15/2005 10:16:14 AM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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To: nw_arizona_granny

The answer is in post no. 2931 -- "Temper Tantrum of the Day Award."

It's Denmark.

2,934 posted on 10/15/2005 12:21:54 PM PDT by Cindy
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To: All; StillProud2BeFree

This 2001 report tells of the nuclear materials and scientists that OBL had.......

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Hindu World Wide Web -- News and

The Islamic Bomb and Jihad against

Date Written : Dec 29, 2001
Date Modified : Dec 29, 2001

The "Dirty bomb" manufacturing plant of Al-Qaida.
In the first evidence that Osama bin Laden (OBL) had obtained
materials for a nuclear arsenal, Uranium has been found in an
Al-Qaida base in the tunnel complex outside Gandhar (Kandahar).
The cache included low-grade Uranium 238 and cyanide. Earlier
hundreds of jars, drums and metal cases in an underground labyrinth
at the desert compound were found when Arab and pakistani fighters
abandoned Gandhar.

To make a nuclear bomb one requires superior technological facilities
to turn Uranium-238 into a fissile device like the Hiroshima bomb. OBL
men lacked the specialised equipment for building such a weapon. But
a small so-called "dirty bomb" can be made out of this Uranium, if
wrapped around a conventional explosive. This small device is capable
of spreading radiation over a large area and can be easily transported
to carry out terrorist activities.

Who else can give the nuclear technology to Taliban, other than its
Al-Qaida network operating from the Pakistani soil?

US President Bush seems to have confirmed this, not in specific words,
but by blocking the assets of UTN. UTN, a non-governmental
organization was founded by Pakistani nuclear scientists that provided
information to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban about chemical,
biological, and nuclear weapons.
Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood, who was formerly the director for nuclear
power at the Pakistani Atomic Energy
Commission (PAEC) was the founder of UTN and one of the key
directors. Other two were Abdul Majeed, a former high- ranking
official at the PAEC and an expert in nuclear fuels; and S.M. Tufail, an
industrialist. The blocking of assets might have been the part of
Operation Green Quest (OGQ) launched on Oct 25, 2001.

Bashir-ud-Din Mahmood had discussed the infrastructure required for
a nuclear weapons programme and its effects with OBL and Mullah
Omar. The US fact sheet released on Dec 20, 2001 says "During 2001,
Mahmood met with Mullah Omar and with Usama bin Laden. During a
follow-up meeting, an associate of Usama bin Laden indicated he had
nuclear material and wanted to know how to use it to make a weapon.
Mahmood provided information about the infrastructure needed for a
nuclear weapons program and the effects of nuclear weapons."

The Islamic Bomb and Jihad against non-muslims

Mahmood had left the PAEC during the Nawaz Sharif government in
Pakistan. Mahmood was in strong opposition during the discussions
held on the signing of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). He
had advocated equipping Islamic countries with enriched Uranium and
plutonium , with a strong feeling that the Pakistani nuclear bombs
also belong to the Islamic world which can be used for Jihad against
the non-muslims.

Mahmood was also a director with Pakistan's Khushab Atomic Reactor
and was involved in the early days of Pakistan's uranium enrichment
program. The Khushab atomic plant now produces enough plutonium
for making at least two nuclear bombs a year. For his work at
Khushab, Mahmood received one of the prestigious awards in
Pakistan, the Sitar-e-Imtiaz.

After the Uranium being found in the hide-outs of Al-Qaida bases in
Gandhar, it is now clear that the Nuclear formula might have fallen
into the hands of the islamic terrorists. The world needs to realise the
dangers of this. The Bush administration had earlier asked Pakistani to
take Mahmood and Majeed into preventive custody. These two have
been detained and released at least twice. Maj. Gen. Rashid Qureshi
has on records admitted that the authorities were investigating links
between the Taliban and UTN. But along with the UTN, US needs to
pressurise the Musharraf government to expose the nexus between
the pro-taliban ISI and the Al-Qaida network.

On October 6, Musharraf as president, extended his own term as chief
of staff of the Pakistan army, the most powerful post in Pakistan. He
moved to consolidate his hold on the administration and the army. The
the most notable thing was that he removed or re-allocated key army
personnel known to be sympathetic to the Taliban, Al-Qaida and to
Osama bin Laden, who is wanted by the US dead or alive. more

The sequence of
a) Nuclear bomb specialists leaving PAEC and joining Al-Qaida
b) September 11 attacks on WTC and the Pentagon
c) Re-shuffling of Pakistani Army Personnel and "premature
retirement" of ISI Chief on Oct 6
d) Detention of Pakistani Nuclear scientists for interrogation

and recent

e) evidence of "dirty bomb" (also called "poor man's nuke" )
manufacturing hide-outs in Gandhar,

prove the nexus between various members of Al-Qaida
network viz. ISI, Taliban and the hardliners in Pakistani

US needs to support Musharraf in his so-far unsuccessful attempts of
curbing the Jihadis in the ISI and the hardliners in pakistani military.
US should give an offer to Pakistan for securing the nuclear
installations of Pakistan under US control to protect them from falling
them into wrong hands. US is already establishing air bases in
Pakistan, starting with an air base in southwest Pakistan which will
serve as a "key U.S. facility" in the region. Jacobabad might have
been chosen as it is relatively close to Afghanistan, but also far from
Pakistan's nuclear weapons facilities in the far southwest.

The Musharraf government needs an urgent help!!! ... and the
world needs to support US for every step it takes in its war on
terrorism, the next phase of which needs to be on Pakistani soil.

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2,949 posted on 10/15/2005 3:25:23 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (Lavender Essential Oil, should be in first aid kit,uses: headaches, sinus,insect bites,sore muscles)
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