Thanks 8mmMauser! Powerful editorial indeed by Devas!
Like I said before, the ME, Thogmartin was covering his butt with his statement in June in Diana Lynnes Autopsy piece.
"It is the policy of this office that no case is ever closed and that all determinations are to be reconsidered upon receipt of credible, new information," he wrote. Pointing out that many of the pertinent documents in the case "were lost or discarded over the years," Thogmartin added, "Receipt of additional information that clarifies outstanding issues may or shall cause an amendment of her cause and manner of death."
Because in March he made this statement. (Frist/Delay) Devas' article.
The day after Terri Schiavos death the medical examiner stated in a press conference that he was not accepting any information and did not need to hear anything that her parents might want to bring forward and refused the request for a second and independent examination.
Clearly this was in violation of mandatory reporting law and can be seen as his criminal obstruction of justice thus confusing the public by discouraging anyone from coming forward with evidence.
He talks out of both sides of his mouth - there is no truth in the death squad.
In June of 1997, the United States Supreme Court ruled the Constitution does not grant Americans the right to assisted suicide under the Fourteenth Amendment but simultaneously reaffirmed citizens have a constitutionally protected right to refuse lifesaving hydration and nutrition, along with other medical treatments.