If you're a smoker, you're giving innocent adults and children cancer becuase of your filthy second hand smoke. You're basically a murderer. Don't compare yourself with innocent victims of the nazis. You have nothing in common with them. We ARE going to stop you, you are right about that. However, your life will actually be saved. You won't die in a death camp. You may even join us. I was once a smoker also.
Diana, don't respond. (unless you want to) Let Dr. Feel handle this:
Are you still out there, pch? I walked into a neo natal ICU and lit up a big stogie today. What do you think of that?
Nice opus. Now go back to DU.
If you drive a car, you're giving innocent adults and children cancer becuase of your filthy exaust. You're basically a murderer."
Second hand smoke is extremely diluted before it enters the lungs of a non-smoker, but it can kill them.
Yet, smokers can inhale the full strength smoke for 40 years without getting cancer.