To: Cincinatus' Wife
FoxNews is running a report about the LA politicians' request for money. They want $Billions.
FoxNews said, if they get what they request, that will average out $50,000 per person in LA.
If the US Congress doesn't do a full investigation of the LA corruption, before sending one cent, Congress needs to be replaced.
One Levee Board member was being interviewed by phone on FoxNews. She said she could point to many examples of misappropriated funds. She said she knew of one project where a hefty check was giving to a contractor to re-roof buildings. Those buildings were, however, already scheduled to be demolished. She said, at one LB meeting, she wanted to ask something about the levee; she was told, at the Levee Board meeting, that a discussion of the levee was not on the agenda.
202 posted on
09/28/2005 4:41:05 AM PDT by
To: TomGuy
Did you catch Hannity & Colmes last night? They were running a crawl along the bottom of the screen for the first couple of segments with all the pork from Landrieu's and Vitter's list of demands. The mayor of Baton Rouge was also on and asked about the spending. That man is as big a sleaze as his counterpart in NO, and has as big a sense of entitlement. It's looking to me like the who darn state stinks.
213 posted on
09/28/2005 4:47:16 AM PDT by
(Property must be secured or liberty cannot exist. John Adams)
To: TomGuy
.....One Levee Board member was being interviewed by phone on FoxNews. She said she could point to many examples of misappropriated funds. She said she knew of one project where a hefty check was giving to a contractor to re-roof buildings. Those buildings were, however, already scheduled to be demolished. You have to be real comfortable with corruption to dream up stunts like this.
I think we need to build a lot of new jail cells in LA to hold all these crooks.
To: TomGuy
And why didn't she call the Feds when she discovered that information?
The thing is, they all knew about it, and if they didn't get their fair share, they will be the first ones coming out of the woodwork pointing fingers.
On another note, call all of your Congressional Representatives and tell them NO for REBUILDING, YES for Clean-up, but nothing more.
That's at least a start.
To: TomGuy
James Sensenbrenner R-WI,voted against the $52 billion aid package to help people of the Gulf Coast region rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. The reason he voted against was that he felt that relief should be sent in increments. He wasn't saying no relief, he was saying "let's take care of the emergencies now and provide relief in increments later."
I am sure that LA politicians are slapping their brains out of the top their heads with their tongues, in a Pavlovian sense of speaking, at the thought of a $52,000,000,000 windfall. I am sure that they are beside themselves in anticipation of receiving all that money.
Looks like somebody (the feds) will and should put the brakes on this shameful transference of money into the pockets of corrupt public servants.
714 posted on
09/28/2005 4:42:07 PM PDT by
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