Nagin is not the bad guy in this.
He is the one that got 'stuck' with the responsibility, and found out late in the game that all the 'plans' had been compromised by the theives above him, leading all the way back to HILLARY and BILL.
Nagin's the big mouth who "called out" the federal government at "high noon". That's just not smart.
Sorry, I am not buying that Nagin is anything other than a player in all this. He might be a light player, but anyone who runs for office in NO or LA knows the score. They may not say it in public, but they know.
Corruption is a way of life there, it has been since way befor Huey and The Boys in Baton Rouge.
Nagin may get to be the fall guy, but I doubt it- someone had to be protecting him all along or he would never have been elected.
I think Nagin is CORRUPT and I think he has more to do with this whole NOLA situation than anyone. It is his own backyard, and he was on Oprah blaming Bush, saying stop going to air craft carriers... and stop doing news conf.. we need help. Help is there in NOLA, and I know our military will clean up the filth in NO, but NAGIN is going down. He met with Farrakan and suggested to Farrakan, that the levees were blown up????? He did not remove the people of his own city. He is to blame, plain and simple.
Naaa....all you're saying is that Nagin got set up as the fall guy and didn't realize it until it was too late...
You seem to have a good take on things . . . I'll consider your assessment of Nagin on a "trust but verify" basis . . . You really think Nagin is totally clean?