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To: Vive ut Vivas
Do tell me, then, how a person was an atheist before Darwin?

Darwin didn't invent evolution or atheism. I'm sure there were atheists before Darwin, but here I think Dawkins and Gould explain it best:

"...although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." Dawkins R. "The Blind Watchmaker," [1986], Penguin: London, 1991, reprint, p.6).

"Before Darwin, we thought that a benevolent God had created us." "So Cleverly Kind an Animal," in "Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History," [1978], Penguin: London UK, 1991, reprint, p.267).

Does anyone here disagree with the proposition that the idea that the universe is not designed is tantamount to atheism?


550 posted on 09/28/2005 8:22:38 AM PDT by Diamond (Qui liberatio scelestus trucido inculpatus.)
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To: Diamond
Does anyone here disagree with the proposition that the idea that the universe is not designed is tantamount to atheism?

No. You obviously haven't explored all the options. For instance, the universe could have popped into existence (via one of the currently proposed theories) and God could have stumbled across it later.

589 posted on 09/28/2005 12:24:32 PM PDT by Junior (Some drink to silence the voices in their heads. I drink to understand them.)
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To: Diamond
Darwin didn't invent evolution or atheism. I'm sure there were atheists before Darwin

But you claimed that all atheists are evolutionists. Evolution didn't come up as a theory until Darwin, so atheists pre-Darwin couldn't have been evolutionists.

It doesn't matter to me what Dawkins or Gould say. You're still wrong. Atheism is not dependent on any knowledge of science whatsoever, just a lack of belief in gods.

Does anyone here disagree with the proposition that the idea that the universe is not designed is tantamount to atheism?

638 posted on 09/28/2005 10:02:00 PM PDT by Vive ut Vivas (Deity in training.)
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