What amazes me is that we as a population are letting this slide.
The first reporters of these non-existent atrocities need to be identified. Public officials who made sensastional or inflammatory comments and statements need to be held accountable.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why we as a nation are not outraged...Incensed at this.
Allegations of media bias begin to sound like beating the same dead horse, no matter how true it is. I feel like we conservatives have been crying foul on the media for so long, now that they do something completely unconscionable, we've become desensitized to it and fail to build this issue into what it really is: Unequivocable proof that the major media (including Fox News) is either completely incompetent at best and treasonous at worst.
"For the life of me, I cannot figure out why we as a nation are not outraged...Incensed at this."
Because due to years of training and indoctrination, we have the attention span of gnats. ;)
I rarely take a news story at face value, especially if it's a big, overblown story. Come back in a day or so to hear the real story after the hype has died down.
Perhaps this comment is Breaking News for some Freepers. The Main Stream Media (MSM) loathes all things President Bush, Law Enforcement, & the US Armed Forces. Yes, even the beloved FoxNews reporters are spawned from the same cesspool as the remaining MSM.
The disgusting treatment of the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) Officers by the MSM is just another example. NOPD has its problems, but lets not forget the NOPD has far more good Police Officers on the job, than the bad. But in the eyes of the MSM, most NOPD is bad.
For example, MSM gleefully reported that many NOPD were "AWOL" at the end of work days. However, these Officers were simply showering, then sleeping overnight at a friend or relatives home; in lieu of a sleep over in an overcrowded NOPD station. Not there overnight = AWOL in MSM reports.
Most telling, each morning those AWOL NOPD Officers returned to staging, and were back on the job assisting us out of town rescuers, instead of jumping in front of a news camera for a sound bite. Hardly the sign of an AWOL workforce. Even retired NOPD Officers returned to the job and worked with us, simply to assist us with locating their citizens in need.
And many of those NO streets we so flooded, street signs & home addresses were under water. There were numerous cell phone reports of people trapped at specific addresses. Without the NOPD in our boats, out of town rescuers would have taken much longer to find those addresses, search, and rescue people. The sort of rescue where burglar bars are removed from upper floor windows to rescue people with no where else to go. Out of food, out of water, and nearly out of hope. Twelve days after the storm.
In any disaster, the first thing which breaks down is communications. And Katrina was the largest natural disaster in our Nation's history. The vastness of the overall destruction still remains even beyond my belief.