So none of us can judge Brown's performance because we haven't been head of FEMA?
Does that mean none of us can judge the president's, Congress', or a governor's or mayor's performance?
And of the 160+ previous disasters, do those make Brown a success in light of Katrina? Isn't that like saying that my gas tank is a success when I drive it 151 times and for 150 times it's fine, but then it explodes on no. 151? Sure, that's a failure rate of less than 1%, but not many people will want to buy that car.
No, just people who say idiotic things like you.
I have REPEATEDLY challenged people to list the specific shortcomings of Brown and FEMA in their response and I have not seen a single poster respond with anything but unfounded vague opinions.
Sooo....what EXACTLY did Brown and FEMA do wrong? Hmmmmmmm???
I re read your response. Please don't bother responding to my challenge because you are too ill informed on the subject.