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To: Preachin'
"My thought is that until people know they are sinners, all the Biblical science in the world is futile."

Well you may consider the creation about vain babbling, however, I see very few creationists actually willing to accept what is instructed in Genesis. Guess one could say, unless and until what is said about the Who, What, Where, When and the Why given in Genesis, one would not know whom their loved is directed toward.
930 posted on 09/22/2005 5:42:06 AM PDT by Just mythoughts
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To: Just mythoughts
"Well you may consider the creation about vain babbling, however, I see very few creationists actually willing to accept what is instructed in Genesis. Guess one could say, unless and until what is said about the Who, What, Where, When and the Why given in Genesis, one would not know whom their loved is directed toward."

People get saved because they find out they are sinners and that Christ died to forgive them.

Creationism is an important element of Christianity, but is vain babbling if it really does nothing but lead to argument within the body of Christ.

We have fish to catch, and the devil uses every opportunity he can to keep us from the mission field. This is simply one of them.

With a pure heart, many Christians differ on creation (namely, the length of the days). Some just believe what others tell them, others search it out.

In the end, all that matters is that Jesus came to right our wrongs.

The main thing is to let the main thing (Jesus) be the main thing.

Many in the church spend a lifetime studying creation, but forget to tell the world that Jesus is the "Beginning and the End" and "The First and the Last" because He was the Creator.

Without boring people with details, we need to point out John 1 to people and let the Holy Spirit do His job. I think of John 1 as the "Extended Genesis". Don't consider it odd that the Book of John begins with "In the Beginning", which is where the Biblical name Genesis is derived.
932 posted on 09/22/2005 6:02:37 AM PDT by Preachin' (Enoch's testimony was that he pleased God: Why are we still here?)
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