Wooohoooo!!!!!!!!! Dancing in my chair.
Oh, by the way, tomorrow night, I will not be here. Waaaaaaay back in July I purchased tickets for my beloved David, my oldest daughter, Katie, and me to go to the outdoor Verizon theater north of San Antonio to see JOURNEY!!!!
I'm gonna be singing at the top of my lungs, but if something goes wrong, you may check the news in San Antonio to see if I'll be arrested, because I'm going to be proudly wearing my, t-shirt that says on the front (with an American Flag) "I Survived Crawford, Texas, 2005" and on the back "I Support Our Troops, These Colors Don't Run."
If ANYONE on that stage makes some political comment about bringing the troops home now, I've warned both David and Katie that I will stand on my chair and scream at the stage, "NOT UNTIL THE JOB IS DONE!!! I PAID TO HEAR YOU SING, NOT YOUR POLITICS, SO SING OR SHUT UP!!!!!"
I love that song, thanks there Ms. Kathy. As usual, you are Kathy on the spot!!