its not "class" - its something else, I just don't know what it is. the Bushes rehabilitated this man, why?
The Christian reaching his hand to the sinner, loving the sinner and hating the sin. They realize what a pathetic creature Clinton, and a sad lonely one. The Bushes are living the brotherly love they so often "preach" about.
IMO, the Bush family are being blackmailed by the clintons because of information contained in the stolen FBI files. JMO, of course.
Isn't it true that George and Barbara refused to visit the WH for a long time after Clinton was elected? On top of that, I remember reading how much animosity GWB had for Clinton because of the way he treated his father during their campaign. Now I agree, the Bush family has an enormous amount of class and the elder especially is not known for his cutting his enemies off at the knees. But the current President, like his mother, is fiercely loyal.
In some ways I think most of the gestures of inclusion have been about class and smart politics in a divided nation. But I'm also beginning to wonder if they are bound together by something else, something I could see the President doing only for his father.
LOL! When you figure it out, lemme know, K?
Right now, the only things I can come up with would be senility, idiocy or blackmail. (:
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?
Why? Because look how bad it makes Clinton look now. What is everyone talking about, even libs? How can Clinton trash Bush and then suck up to him and his Dad. They're not really talking about what he's saying, they're talking about the betrayal. Once again, Bush wins.
someone has dirt on someone. What else could this all be about? I dont get it.
For the same reason they've never laid a glove on Bubba and Hitlery's litany of illegal excesses and presidential malpractice:
The fix was/is in, and deals were made that benefited BOTH the Clintons and Bushes and...the NWO.