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New Orleans mayor suspends reopening of the city because of Rita
The Times-Picayune ^
| 19 September 2005
Posted on 09/19/2005 3:34:11 PM PDT by Colonial Warrior
NEW ORLEANS (AP) Under pressure from President Bush and other top federal officials, the mayor Monday suspended the reopening of large portions of the city over the next few days because of the risk of a new round of flooding from a tropical storm.
"I am concerned about this hurricane getting in the gulf. ... If we are off, I'd rather err on the side of conservatism to make sure we have everyone out," Mayor Ray Nagin said.
The announcement came after repeated warnings from top federal officials and the president himself that the city was unsafe. The mayor reversed course even as residents began trickling back to the first neighborhood opened as part of Nagin's plan, the scarcely damaged Algiers section.
The mayor said he had wanted to reopen some of the city's signature neighborhoods over the coming week in order to reassure the people of New Orleans that "there was a city to come back to." He said he had strategically selected ZIP codes that had suffered little or no flooding.
But "now we have conditions that have changed. We have another hurricane that is approaching us," he said. He warned that the city's pumping system was not yet running at full capacity and that its levee system was still in a "very weak position."
...Before reversing course Monday, a clearly agitated Nagin snapped that Allen had apparently made himself "the new crowned federal mayor of New Orleans."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: inhercapshelooked; likeamilitaryman; madeherlookalittle; mucholder; nagin; neworleans; shoulder; thebagacrossher
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Given a chance to make a good decision on his own...Mayor Nagin instead screams and shouts, runs in circles and pisses and pouts!
Finally, he listens to reason and makes "his" first good decision. He he has one other good decision in him, it would to be to resign!
To: Colonial Warrior
He's a moron he didn't make this choice.
posted on
09/19/2005 3:40:25 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
Can you believe this guy has an MBA?
posted on
09/19/2005 3:42:47 PM PDT
Paleo Conservative
(France is an example of retrograde chordate evolution.)
To: Colonial Warrior
President Bush forced his hand once again.
To: Colonial Warrior
Absolutely yes, he is a moron! An imbecile, completely incompetent moron! Maybe he plans on implementing NO's emergency evacuation plan this time around.
posted on
09/19/2005 3:43:46 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
""I am concerned about this hurricane getting in the gulf. ... If we are off, I'd rather err on the side of conservatism to make sure we have everyone out," Mayor Ray Nagin said."
I should hope so, he's been erring on the side of stupidity for so long.
posted on
09/19/2005 3:44:04 PM PDT
("There is a grandeur in this view of life...")
To: Colonial Warrior
"...Before reversing course Monday, a clearly agitated Nagin snapped that Allen had apparently made himself "the new crowned federal mayor of New Orleans."
posted on
09/19/2005 3:44:58 PM PDT
("Everyone has a freedom of choice, but not of consequences.")
To: Colonial Warrior
I think the mayor is a raving lunatic. Why is he so he..bent on getting the people back in that filth? So that more can die of diseases, and then he and the left wing press can blame President Bush?
posted on
09/19/2005 3:45:05 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
"I am concerned about this hurricane getting in the gulf. ... If we are off, I'd rather err on the side of conservatism to make sure we have everyone out," Mayor Ray Nagin said. Ray, when do you learn this approach? Two+ weeks ago?
posted on
09/19/2005 3:45:24 PM PDT
Go Gordon
To: CarolinaGuitarman
This guy is so full of it, he needs an enema just to give him a good idea!!
posted on
09/19/2005 3:45:53 PM PDT
Colonial Warrior
("Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it toMaybe w you. Put them on the defensive.")
To: Spunky
That's a good one!!
posted on
09/19/2005 3:47:24 PM PDT
Colonial Warrior
("Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it toMaybe w you. Put them on the defensive.")
To: sweetliberty; Borax Queen
Under pressure from President Bush and other top federal officials, the mayor Monday suspended the reopening of large portions of the city over the next few days because of the risk of a new round of flooding from a tropical storm. "I am concerned about this hurricane getting in the gulf... duh!
posted on
09/19/2005 3:47:47 PM PDT
To: Colonial Warrior
Can you believe this idiot????
If I lived in N.O. I'd be 'running' out of the state, these people are NUTS!!!
posted on
09/19/2005 3:48:52 PM PDT
(My ? to libs: "Do they ever shut up on your planet?" "Grow your own DOPE: Plant a LIB!")
Comment #14 Removed by Moderator
To: Colonial Warrior
posted on
09/19/2005 3:50:54 PM PDT
(North Padre Island, Texas)
To: Colonial Warrior
I'd rather err on the side of conservatism Maybe there's hope for him after all.
posted on
09/19/2005 3:51:14 PM PDT
(Rule Number 1: Be Armed)
To: Paleo Conservative
Can you believe this guy has an MBA? Absolutely!
Master Bull$hit Artist
posted on
09/19/2005 3:53:10 PM PDT
(FOOTBALL REFEREES: It's tough playing with us, but you can't play the game without us.)
To: mom-7
Why is he so he..bent on getting the people back in that filth? The people who were set to go back were going into unflooded neighborhoods.
posted on
09/19/2005 3:53:32 PM PDT
("This is the best election night in history." --DNC chair Terry McAuliffe Nov. 2,2004 8p.m.)
To: Colonial Warrior
He wants his tax base back and he wants to start collecting $$. They are bankrupt, without the $$, he has no powerbase or bankroll.
As in business, so in disaster: Follow the Money (FTM!)
To: Colonial Warrior
So Nagin is having to eat another idiotic, spontaneous comment? With him in charge, it's just dumb luck there are ANY survivors in New Orleans.
posted on
09/19/2005 3:54:40 PM PDT
(Est omnis de civilitate.)
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