That very same gate at the end of St. George Street is what I photographed (one of many of it on several visits) and showed at the end of 95!
It becomes obsessive..:))
Under it, my words were:
"And last is a photograph that is just one of many I have taken over the years of something that utterly fascinates me.
It's very close to the center of town, and not far from The Old House.
I sent Aqua a paper copy (couldn't locate where I put the original) I had made, so you cannot see how very weathered truly red this wall's gate door is..."
Your son's photograph of it, faded much further:
Yes, dear Lady--I did see post #95....that's why I posted that particular picture. I thought you might like to see how it looked only 41/2 months ago. It is very mysterious and intriguing! We, too, wondered what was behind it.