To: John Jorsett
Wow. Landrieu is either the stupidest person to ever hold a Federal office, or she's so desperate to spin this into an anti-Bush jihad that she started to sputter incoherently.
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To: Numbers Guy
Should have stopped after the first part of your statement.
To: Numbers Guy
She's like a 5-year old passenger who's just been designated as a pilot of an Airbus A380 that needs to be landed at London's Heathrow International Airport...
...and she's doesn't have a license, certification or even a day's worth of flight training.
21 posted on
09/11/2005 10:05:07 AM PDT by
("I will Declare the Beauty of The LORD.")
To: Numbers Guy
I think Landrieu is scared to death of an investigation into Louisiana politics and Federal Fund distribution. She thinks if she keeps deflecting, it might keep the heat off. But we won't let it, will we? Her level of intensity shows that this is much more personal than she's letting on.
24 posted on
09/11/2005 10:05:53 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
She is not stupid,she will not bite the hand that feeds her plus she is just part of the problem and that is corrupt crooked local liberal Democrats and Republicans who waste billions of our dollars and then put their hands back out for more.
She complains about the government not getting people to work,well who the hell is she? She is the part of the government that caused this.
We give them welfare and the ones that work she wants transported at our expense,why not just let them work out of their homes. These damn liberals are crazy! Bush should not and should never send American troops into a state. That is the governors business and where the hell was the MSM when Clinton and Reno sent in Federal troops to burn 80 U.S. Citizens to death in a town called Waco?
People may think I am crazy but between the activist judiciary and what the Democrats are calling for is nothing more than a takeover by the federal government and that will lead to a dictatorship,plain and simple.
41 posted on
09/11/2005 10:12:10 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
It also appears that even CNN is beginning to come around and not offer "softball" interviews to Dem Talking Heads.
Which is a very, very good thing.
Late in the week, Nancy Pelosi was being politely, yet forthrightly nailed to the wall by one of the newer CNN News Babes regarding Kartina and the failings of local government.
Pelosi became so flustered, she accused CNN News Babe of being on the White House Payroll.
It's fun wathcing the Left devour itself while it disintigates.
47 posted on
09/11/2005 10:13:15 AM PDT by
Jack Deth
(Knight Errant and Disemboweler of the WFTD Thread)
To: Numbers Guy
Both. The left consists of vile, stupid, and completely inept slugs. John Edwards was right when he said that there are two Americas. The left has made it that way. They can leave anytime.
50 posted on
09/11/2005 10:13:45 AM PDT by
Mr. Keys
To: Numbers Guy
I think that Landrieu ties with Patty Murray, D-WA, for the dumb as a rock award.
51 posted on
09/11/2005 10:14:02 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
What's stupid? It works. What is stupid is thinking words and facts will stop the filth of the left.
52 posted on
09/11/2005 10:14:56 AM PDT by
I see my hands
(Until this civil war heats up.. Have a nice day.)
To: Numbers Guy
Wow. Landrieu is either the stupidest person to ever hold a Federal office, or she's so desperate to spin this into an anti-Bush jihad that she started to sputter incoherently.BOTH.
60 posted on
09/11/2005 10:17:00 AM PDT by
(America: The home of the free because of the brave.)
To: Numbers Guy
Both of the above. Demokkkrats are desperate to spin this into a Bush mistake because if blacks across the country realize what really happenend, that DEMOKKKRATS left them to drown instead of activating their evacuation plan, the demokkkrat party will be out of business. Fact is, demokkkrats dont leave them behind on election day, the buses run when the demokkkrats need these folks to vote for them. On that day, however, the tables were turned, the poor folks needed help from the demokkkrats, the demokkkrats left them to drown. Too bad for the poor folks of nawlins it wasnt election day.
86 posted on
09/11/2005 10:29:20 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
She is trying to overtake Barbara Boxer as the stupidest member of the US Senate, and she is certainly in contention for the title.
104 posted on
09/11/2005 10:42:35 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
This is the perfect example of constipation of the mind and diarrhea of the mouth.
110 posted on
09/11/2005 10:46:56 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
Landrieu is either the stupidest person
All the liberal women in Congress are stupid.
112 posted on
09/11/2005 10:47:41 AM PDT by
(We broke Pink's Code and found a terrorist message)
To: Numbers Guy
Stupid at the FED level? Ain't got the time to list'em all.
To: Numbers Guy
Wow. Landrieu is either the stupidest person to ever hold a Federal office, or she's so desperate to spin this into an anti-Bush jihad that she started to sputter incoherently.Or she was drunk during that interview. "Less" for "let" twice seems to me like she was slurring her words.
125 posted on
09/11/2005 10:55:38 AM PDT by
(NOTE TO MSM: Each state is sovereign over its own territory. GWB is NOT king of the U.S.)
To: Numbers Guy
Wow. Landrieu is either the stupidest person to ever hold a Federal officeC'mon. That's just not true. There's...
144 posted on
09/11/2005 11:06:13 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
If this is accurate, I think Landrieu is losing it. She doesn't make sense. Headed for a breakdown?
147 posted on
09/11/2005 11:08:57 AM PDT by
To: Numbers Guy
or she's so desperate to spin this into an anti-Bush jihad that she started to sputter incoherently.BINGO!
153 posted on
09/11/2005 11:13:57 AM PDT by
(3 prohibited topics in mixed company: politics, religion and operating systems...)
To: Numbers Guy
I think she might have not gotten the daily DNC memo and was winging it. Man oh man, is she a piece of work.
161 posted on
09/11/2005 11:28:18 AM PDT by
(north Georgia mountains - prayers for all our neighbors in the gulf coast.)
To: Numbers Guy
Landrieu is, by far, one of the DUMBEST dems to ever hold office.
She doesn't have a clue...
173 posted on
09/11/2005 11:55:42 AM PDT by
(Enjoying freedom? Thank a Veteran!)
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