I stand corrected......it is another of this same crew named "4cj" with the nolu admiration/lovefest quotes.
But these may all be the same person......who knows???
Judging by your posts referring to him derogatarily, I can only opine as to the damage he inflicted to your prior alter-ego. Your signup date is well after his departure (but his post quoting Lincoln's multiple uses of the 'N' word has been restored), so he would have been unable to direct comments to you as a lurker, so whatever animosity your harbour toward the man must be from your period here under a different (now banned) name.
For what it's worth, nc is one of the finest men I've had the pleasure to converse with, one who esteems the founders and the system of government they instituted with all its checks and balances. The dems have made a mockery of that system, perverting it, turning it into a system whereupon "Leaky" Leahy, Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy and other liberals can thwart the will of the people almost singlehandedly. All I want is to restore the system of government that served the people - the system of government that Jim Robinson is seeking to restore - a limited, conservative one.