New teeee veeeee show nexr week called survivorman ? on the SCI channel Direct TV (Channel #284)....looks promising for those that "survive" the outdoors or what nature and man throws at em....
We don't have cable, and I never watch t.v. We're at the beach this week though, and there's cable here. Sheesh...I need to get out more. Mostly a bunch of trash. You're probably going to laugh at me, but for the first time now I understand the difference in bias between CNN and Fox. :-) It's amazing. :-)
Sounds interesting, will be sure to have a look.
Have been there, first as a farm kid in a large family when growing up, then later in Alaska with wife and our kids. No electricity. wood heat, no TV, no phone, two holer out back with the quarter moon cut in the door. Moose meat, salmon and Kool-aid was standard part of diet. We had running water, you ran down to the creek and got it. All of us in the family (especially our kids, today long grown) look back on those years as the happy times. At well past three score years, I miss the times dearly.