To: Howlin
Yes, so were a lot of people. That what makes it interesting how it is that anyone who criticizes the President is instantly labeled a "Bush-hater" by certain folks around here, despite the fact that it's more likely than not that the person raising the criticism supported Bush's reelection.
90 posted on
09/04/2005 9:43:29 AM PDT by
(FTAA delenda est)
To: inquest
The Conservative movement should fire Ms Milkan. It is NOT at all helpful for the Conservative movement to HELP the Liberals in their attacks. Conservatives had better wake up. This is an attack on EVREYTHING the Conservative movement has fought for in terms of Limited Govt since 1980. Go read and listen to what the Leftists are saying. They REALLY think they can use this mess to go back to LBJ's Great Society style govt. They really think this "Blame Bush and Feds" and we can justify making the Feds pay for EVERYTHING. So instead of sitting around bitching about Bush, Conservatives had better be asking themselves just what am I doing to preserve and strengthen Ronald Reagan's victory? We SHOULD be making the case why this is a COMPLETE failure of the state and local govt that took MILLION In Homeland Security money and did NOTHING to prepare. So just what did all that money BUY us in N.O?
95 posted on
09/04/2005 9:46:12 AM PDT by
(If it is all Bush's fault, why will Gov Blanco still not let the Feds take over?)
To: inquest
Where did I say that?
You are trying to deflect her MISINFORMATION by claiming she supported Bush. Sort of like the people on C-SPAN who say, "I'm a Bush supporter, but..."
Whether or not she supported Bush, her accusations in this article are WRONG.
97 posted on
09/04/2005 9:46:19 AM PDT by
(Have you check in on this thread: FYI: Hurricane Katrina Freeper SIGN IN Thread)
To: inquest
Yes, so were a lot of people. That what makes it interesting how it is that anyone who criticizes the President is instantly labeled a "Bush-hater" by certain folks around here, despite the fact that it's more likely than not that the person raising the criticism supported Bush's reelection. I'd be curious to know how many of the folks being critical of Michelle Malkin are the same ones that criticize President Bush for his non-existent immigration policy. ??? Oh, I get it, you either agree with 'me' on 100% of the issues or your a RINO and/or should be kicked out of the 'conservative' movement in this country.
The Malkin bashers here at FR are the same as the Sean Hannity bashers. None of you are real conservatives in the mold of Ronald Reagan. You are more like anarchists who want everything to go their way or else. There's a wacko left and wacko right in this country. The Malkin and Hannity bashers fall into the category of the wacko right.
Take 9% of the Democrats in this country and 89% of the Republicans (allowing 2% for the independent party fair minded patriotic folks) and let the rest wallow in their hatred, wishy washy, whiny, wimpy assed whatever you call it. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson