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To: inquest

Where did I say that?

You are trying to deflect her MISINFORMATION by claiming she supported Bush. Sort of like the people on C-SPAN who say, "I'm a Bush supporter, but..."

Whether or not she supported Bush, her accusations in this article are WRONG.

97 posted on 09/04/2005 9:46:19 AM PDT by Howlin (Have you check in on this thread: FYI: Hurricane Katrina Freeper SIGN IN Thread)
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To: Howlin

Mistakes were made all around--but the biggest, most glaring mistakes are on the level of the mayor and the governor of the state. The media (and apparently Malkin) want to cover up that FACT. Brown might or might not have been suited for the job. We don't really know yet--but we DO know from performance in this disaster that the mayor and the governor were NOT suited for the job.

102 posted on 09/04/2005 9:50:14 AM PDT by MizSterious (Now, if only we could convince them all to put on their bomb-vests and meet in Mecca...)
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To: inquest; Howlin
One thing that's become apparent from posting on FR is that the "timing" for criticizing the President is never right for you guys.

One thing that is apprent from reading every one of Inquest posts. Inquest feels ONLY critizing the Pres is to be allowed on FR. So stooge who do you work for, DNC? Moveon? Answer????

113 posted on 09/04/2005 9:56:16 AM PDT by MNJohnnie (If it is all Bush's fault, why will Gov Blanco still not let the Feds take over?)
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To: Howlin
Where did I say that?

Where did I say you said that?

You are trying to deflect her MISINFORMATION by claiming she supported Bush.

Actually, another poster was attempting to deflect her information by claiming that she was a Bush-hater, and that therefore there was no need to pay any attention to what she said. The point of my post was to un-deflect that deflection, so that there can be an actual discussion of what she said, instead of just a bunch of negative comments about Malkin herself.

Whether or not she supported Bush, her accusations in this article are WRONG.

If you could elaborate on that by referring to the specific accusations she made, I think you'd be doing something that no one has done yet on this thread.

117 posted on 09/04/2005 10:02:53 AM PDT by inquest (FTAA delenda est)
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